Dream Job

Last Saturday Clive invited me along for half a day to see the seals in a small bit of the fantastic nature reserve, Hamford Waters. His boss Leon had Okayed it the week before and the Friday night I could hardly sleep with the expectation. This 1500 hectares of coastal reserve is absolutely stunning and the Essex coast here, though not pretty or picturesque, is beautiful. It has a raw unspoiltness that makes me feel quite emotional. There used to be a lot more land here, which has been claimed by the sea over the centuries. The bird life is fantastic and the seals, both grey and common, are in abundance. I grinned from one ear to the other throughout – big happy smiley Sarah

Perfect spot for camping on a sunny weekend

Perfect spot for camping on a sunny weekend

Great sky too

Great sky too

Towing barges positioned along the shoreline to try and stabilise it against storms and high tides

Towing barges positioned along the shoreline to try and stabilise it against storms and high tides

Mum and baby seal taking a dip

Mum and baby seal taking a dip. Something in the water makes their fur rusty coloured. Here are a few more pictures….


Clive's official title, "Open Space Ranger". Don't you love it!

Clive’s official title, “Open Space Ranger”. Don’t you love it!


1 thought on “Dream Job

  1. keepitgreen2013

    Excellent! Sounds like some classic 1950’s American radio Sci-Fi kids adventure series ‘…tune in next week kids for the next instalment of Open Space Rangeeeerrrrrr and his trusty side kick Distant Drummmm’ 😉



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